Student Transport Management System for School
Transport Management or the larger term Fleet Management is an integral part of any ERP since all those schools who collect transport charges have to provide transport facilities to the students. A number of schools have their own vehicles to ferry students mostly in the urban parts but in semi-urban parts schools opt for third parties to provide the vehicles and payment is made by the school to the vendors. Another option is to handover the transport system to third party including fee collection for the same but under the schools administration.
The Nascorp system is extremely user friendly as the transport module lists all the students and to assign route to any student requires only searching the student and assigning the pick and drop routes, vehicle and the date of opting for the service. Similarly for opting out, the end date of service has to be input. Same thing for change of route or stop. On assigning a stop to any student by the transport incharge, the charges are automatically added to the subsequent fee of the students. The request for change of stop, new joining etc. could be made by the students either in person at the school counter or by mobile apps which upon approval by the school authorities get automatically added to the bus list.
All the reports such as route assignment to students, Bus-stop wise students, Route wise students, total collection route wise, etc are all available. Attendance of students can be taken in each vehicle by the incharges and this can be reconciled with the class attendance too. If the vehicles are using any tracking devices then their id can be input into the Nascorp system and therefore the tracking can be done in the Nascorp app itself. Incase of breakdown of vehicle sms could be sent to the parents of students for the particular route.
For schools opting for Fleet management, the vehicle maintenance records, fuel records, parts changed in the vehicle, driver, conductor and other staff record maintenance, document entry of operators, expiry and other records too could be maintained. Auto-reminders for document renewal or expiry is a standard feature of fleet management.

Key features
- All the required stops and routes along with the charges can be defined.
- Route/Stop allotment to the students/employees.
- Transport fees can be taken separately through Transport Module or Fee Module.
- Transport attendance and GPS integration can be one.
- All the required documents related to vehicle and vehicle operators can be digitally saved along with the auto reminder before expiry dates.
- Drivers can see stop wise students list.
- Online request can be made for transport facility.