2 September 2024

Student Fee Management System for Schools

Fee Management is the brain of the ERP which is the central calculative mechanism and the process by which the income of the institution is managed. Fee Management module is designed in a simple to use format in which all the usable links are provided in a panel on the left hand side and quick-use legends like concession, waiver, transport assignment etc are given on the top of the panel. This ensures that the Accounts team does not have to navigate between sub-menus while collecting fee of any user.

The initial setup of the Fee module is in such a way that the heads of fee applicable to the entire school is listed. Then each fee head is assigned to relevant classes with relevant fee with an accrual date or start date for the fee. The end date is usually left blank which means the particular fee head and the designated amount is carried over automatically to the following year thereby doing away with the process of creating fresh fee every year. Doing this allots the designated fee heads to each student of the particular class. The management can hence see the projection for the collectible for the entire year. However some schools have varied fee structure within the same class depending on the student being day-boarder, hosteller or EWS category. Sometimes the fee structure also differs due to various fee heads not being applicable on certain category of students like teachers wards are exempted from paying Tuition Fee.

Apart from this Fee based differentiation, students can be assigned concessions, waivers or late fee waivers. Concessions can be varied and can be percentage based or amount based. Once the concession is assigned and a date range defined, then the same is applied automatically without any manual intervention. However, a mechanism exists wherein each concession assigned need to be manually approved by a higher authority to control the sweeping powers to the accounts team. Same mechanism is available in waivers and late fee waivers too.

Fee can also be collected online wherein the school bank is connected to the payment gateway which is integrated with the school app. This is a big help to the parents as coming to the school every time fee has to be paid is a big hassle. Here you can make the payment, automatically get the receipt and the hassle of keeping the receipts safely is also not there since all the receipts once generated are always available in your login. Even when the school is collecting the fee at the school premises a receipt is always saved in the parent portal with the mode of payment being cheque/ cash else for online payments it shows ONLINE.

The Fee module also hosts a number of reports for viewing and printing various kinds of financial statements from one click report like pending, daily collection etc. to complicated reports with various user defined parameters.

All in all the Fee is an ever evolving and dynamic module which can make the function of collection, management and reconciliation of income a smooth task.

Student Fee Management System Software - ERP for Schools

Key features

  • Fee Dashboard is available for quick overview.
  • Simple way to define concession waiver & optional fee for students.
  • Approvals can be defined for concessions & fee waivers.
  • Can define fine for students (fixed or incremental).
  • Complete track of cheque/DD payments and refunds also.
  • Online Payment Gateway integration with auto fee receipts generation.