2 September 2024

Examination & Report Card Generation System for Schools

If Fee is considered to be the brain of the ERP system, Examination and report card generation module is its heart. Of the two most important functions of a school – assessing a student and getting paid for it, assessment is by far non-avoidable. Nascorp provides a simple and easily accessible system for teachers to feed marks, generate report cards, download green sheets even from home by way of portal or the mobile apps. Teachers need not do any calculation, only enter the marks and rest of the calculations would be done by the system. Before actual printing of the Report cards the PDF for the same can be generated by the Class Teachers and checked for correctness of design and calculation. Report cards can have graphs signifying the progress of a student from the first exam to the Final examination or the graph could be a comparison of the highest, average and the students marks in a subject. All the report cards can even be published online so that each student can see his report card and download the same. Even before the printing or publishing of the Report cards takes place, various reports for checking the calculations can be generated by the system wherein all the students of a particular subject with break-up of their marks and grades and their summation can be seen all at once. Reports for attendance, comparison reports for gauging the progress of the student from one exam to the other, all subjects and all exams of the entire class, section wise and subject wise comparison, teacher wise comparison and a host of other reports can be generated. Teachers can generate reports for mark based exams or grades based exams or any other format which she is used to. Remarks for one or multiple activities can be recorded and shown on the cards. And for junior classes emojis instead of marks can appear in the report cards. Nascorp Examination system is simple but vast with a lot of scope for modulation as per each school’s requirement.

Parents too have access to multiple year report cards of their wards which can be printed or downloaded and kept by them.

Examination and Report Card Generation ERP System Software for Schools

Key features

  • Exam structure creation will be done by team Nascorp in coordination with school.
  • Teachers only have to do the mark entry.
  • Mark entry can be done from desktop and mobile app (which reduces the requirement for computer system for teachers).
  • Mark entry status can be seen by school's admin.