Student Attendance Management System
Attendance is now an important area which is even allotted marks in the report cards and calculated as part of the marking system. Student Attendance Management System provides easy options for teachers to mark attendance via app or portal on a daily basis or for the co-ordinators to mark bulk attendance for their co-ordinating classes. In bulk attendance only the absent students need to be selected from the school database and the rest of the students are marked present without the hassle of creating attendance for each section. Attendance for examination purposes could be created as the total number of present days vs total working days in case the school doesn’t take attendance on the app on a daily basis.

Key features
- Student Attendance can be marked (class-wise or period-wise) by class teacher & school admin.
- Auto notification for present & absent students.
- Regular absent students pop-ups to the admin/principal's dashboard.
- Students leave can be applied by mobile app & hierarchy for leave approval can be defined.
- Complete student activity calendar can be defined and shared with students on the mobile app with pre-defined future notifications.
- Extra classes/lab attendance can be marked.
- Reports – Percentage-wise attendance report/regular absentees/Day or period-wise absentees etc. Overall 17 reports in the module.
- Latecomers can be marked while counting them present for the day.
Student attendance has as much importance in the academic curriculum as much as scoring marks. A poor attendance record bars you from appearing in your board exams as per the authorities. Therefore, managing the accuracy and sanctity of student attendance is of utmost importance.
Gone are the days of maintaining registers and manually ticking each present and absent student. The Student Attendance Management System allows different methods of marking attendance. If daily attendance is maintained for each child then the class teacher or resource person can create the attendance for the day which is a one click process. By default all students are shown present (or even absent), and the teacher needs just to mark the absent ones. Upon saving the data, notification/ sms can be sent to parents or the school may want to wait for all the teachers to finish the process and then all the absentees for the day can be informed at once.
Another method which suits administrators or a single resource person entering student attendance for all sections is Bulk Attendance updation, wherein only the absent students need to be entered while entering the attendance and system marks all the others as present. This takes away all the pain for managing attendance record keeping.
The third and quick fix solution for student attendance keeping is entering the total number of working days against the days present. This is used generally for showing in the report cards or other documents without maintaining the detailed daily report for each child.
The PDF or excel report generated for the month has all the calculations required by the school such as percentage, total day count, etc and has the same format as the manual register with colour coding available for leaves, absence and week off. The same is available to the parent in the parent app and also in the parent portal in graphical form as well as total percentage form via the student attendance management system.
The Student attendance management system also has provision to highlight students who are regular absentees in a month or absent consecutively for more than 3 days without information which is visible to the administrator and the Class Teacher. The Nascorp Student Attendance software facilitates gate pass for early leave to students which is linked to transport attendance so that the bus incharge is updated of the student’s absence in the drop route. And we are constantly innovating….