School Management System Software
What is School Management Software?
School management software enables schools to monitor daily activities like student/staff attendance, online admission process, exam and report card generation, fee management and online fee payments, timetable management, communication modules, etc. from a single centralized platform.
In this era of technological advancement in all fields, School Management Softwares come as a boon to the hard-worked teachers and Management who grapple with multiple demands from the education boards and parents.
Technically speaking there is a whole lot of difference between School ERP softwares and School Management Softwares but for purpose of functionality both names are used interchangeably. School Management Softwares provide separate user spaces pertaining to the type of user so that they can manage all the functions assigned to them. There is no trespassing others work areas and functions and even within users having same functions such as teachers – each teachers is insulated from each other so that nobody can willingly or non-willingly transgress the others data. All work assignments are via User Types which defines what all departments are accessible to the said user and what rights are available in each module. Except for the Management, who can view any area of the school in the software, rest all are restricted by the rights awarded to them.
What is School Management System?
School Management System and School Management Software are very often used inter-changeably. Both have the same meaning. School Management system is basically a software that helps the school management in monitoring and taking care of all the functionalities within the campus.
School Management System takes care of the entire operation of any institution including Admissions, Fee, Examination, Inventory, Time Table, Visitor Management and other ancillary modules. School Management System is a customizable solution which ensures that they can be modulated to your way of functioning thereby providing you with a platform where all the stake holders are on the same page.
School Management System is an expansive software system which manages all the functionalities in an educational institution while providing real time updates to end users based on the inputs from various departments. As the system is seamlessly integrated, data updation at one department is available to all connected users which can be further processed at the other end and the latest updation is available to all. This maintains uniformity in the core data being used by every user thereby reducing duplication and mistakes.
Why School Management Software?
Operating a school is a demanding responsibility, especially because teachers are charged with the life-changing task of passing on information to future generations. Using the advantages of digital technology can aid in the complex process of operating a school. Having school management software can be a game changer in this industry.
The digitization of the school aids in the efficient and productive management of the various operations that take place in a school. School management software is becoming an essential component of any school. Let's understand the benefits of applying the school management software.
The benefits of school management software are mentioned below:

1. Creating Timetables & Auto Substitutions
Manually creating timetables can be exceedingly time-consuming and frustrating. A school management software can quickly build and manage several timetables required in the school. Apart from timetable creation, the manual substitution for the absent teachers is also a very tedious & difficult task; School ERP helps the school with auto substitutions for the current absentees. Using various computer capabilities reduces the amount of manual labor and time required. It also serves as a student management system.
School management software helps teachers save a lot of time and effort. A teacher can create a notification at any time and send it to those they need to ensures that information reaches the right people on time and reduces the teacher workload and they don’t need to spend extra hours after school.
2. It Saves Time & Increases Efficiency
School administration software can automate time-consuming processes such as preparing Exam schedules, marking attendance and sending communications, managing fees & online payments, online admission, preparing comparative & analytical reports, etc. When time-consuming duties like these are delegated to software, instructors and administrators can save time and energy.
3. Record and save all student-related data
A student's life cycle in school begins when they apply for admission and continues until they leave. A school management software assists in collecting and storing all data that occurs between these two stages, such as fees, grades, examinations, and classes. Now, with School Management Software, schools are not supposed to maintain the hard copy documentation. Here we have options to keep a separate document folder for each student who can submit online from the student end using our ERP platform.
4. Human Resource Management
A school management software typically includes an HR component that manages school workers such as non-teaching staff, administrators, and teachers.
The HR section of the school management software handles activities such as paycheck generation, leave management, admission of new staff, and so on. School staff can apply for leave through Mobile App, which will be routed to the approving authorities & and after approval/rejection, staff will receive the notification on the mobile app.
5. Facilitating Simple Communication
Communication between the school and parents can be made exceedingly simple by using school management software. Parents can usually get auto & manual communication messages from school through the Mobile app/portal. A school administration software may transmit vital ideas to several individuals at the same time by sending broadcast messages to multiple people at the same time. The school Management Software maintains a complete history of sent and delivered messages & notifications.
Student management software can make information collecting easier by conveniently storing and creating data for each student separately.
6. School Budget Management
Based on prior calculations, the school management software includes a financial module that can assist administrators and school administrators develop an inexpensive and realistic budget. This software can also assist in managing the budget and informing the appropriate authorities of excessive spending or insufficient cash flows.
7. Managing Online Exam Results
School administration software can assist in the creation of a grade book or a log report to keep track of exam results.
The school administration software updates the assessment schedule prior to a test. It uploads to the school platform or app so parents and children can access it. Moreover, following the examination, the outcomes are similarly uploaded. The software automatically generates grades based on the system's percentages or marks.
8. Fee Collection
Using school administration software, we can collect fees and receipts in a straightforward digital manner. Most software incorporates alternate payment mechanisms, removing the need for parents to visit the school to pay the fees physically. The system can also regulate and log pending fees and fines by the school's specified rules. We integrate the Online Payment gateway with all the payment options such as credit cards, debit card & UPIs. The online paid fees receipts are automatically generated in the School ERP. No manual entries are required. School management software has dynamic fee dashboard/reports with real-time figures, giving management a quick fee analysis.
9. Maintaining Student Safety
A school administration software can employ the attendee record and other student tracking devices, such as RFID systems or biometrics, to provide parents with a real-time update on the whereabouts of their children. This software can send SMS/notifications warnings to parents regarding the student's attendance, location, time in time out, and transportation in the event of an incident, assuring the safety of children.
10. Effective Decision Making
A school management software offers a variety of reports on the efficiency and operation of the school. Teachers and school officials can use these reports to make quick and correct judgments. We can also combine the reports provided by the various modules of the school administration software to provide overall performance evaluations.
Basic Access Roles in School Management Software
Operating a school is a demanding responsibility, especially because teachers are charged with the life-changing task of passing on information to future generations. Using the advantages of digital technology can aid in the complex process of operating a school. Having school management software can be a game changer in this industry.
Teacher/ Staff:
What do they do ? They have two functions – extrinsic wherein they teach, enter marks in the system, give homework, requisition materials for teaching, communicate with parents, etc and intrinsic wherein they report their progress to the management like filling in Lesson Plans, Teachers diary, class average, etc. and incase of staff like fee clerk/ manager who has to report collections, pendings, non-reporting cases, Id card generation, gate pass printing, maintaining visitor logs, etc. Therefore their portal access in School Management Software has two faces. Whereas teachers, transport incharges, co-odinators, HODs have portal access as well as mobile app access, the staff working with large data like Fee incharges, Librarians, Inventory incharges, Infirmary Nurse etc have only portal access since they cannot comfortably work on mobile apps. All of them have a host of reporting tools which could be dynamic reports which could be created by the user, analytical reports where you can put conditions, graphical tools and ready made reports which are standard reports used generally by all schools.
Students/ Parents:
In school management softwares, they are receivers of information from the school be it homeworks, communications, remarks, attendance, circulars, broadcasts, time table, calendar of events, report cards, fee reminders, etc. They have rights to communicate, request the assigned staff for any demands be it withdrawal of school bus, reservation of Library books, change of bus route, Tuition fee certificates and more. They too have been given an access through Portal as well as mobile apps on both iOS and Android. For parents the school management softwares are an easy way to keep in touch with the progress of your ward, know the feedback from teachers, be updated about the activities in school, pay fees without visiting the school, communicate with management and staff, post your grievances to the authorities.
Management / Administrators:
School Management Softwares are an excellent tool for the management to keep a birds eye view of the activities in school as well as plan efficient strategies to improve the school functioning. The Management Dashboard provides a clear view of all the functional departments of school, starting with Admission Management wherein each enquiry posted by new parents is automatically replied to and a CRM in the module manages next course of action. The management is clearly able to see the enquiry versus registrations versus actual admissions in school. They can compare the current year admissions with previous years data and see whether they are improving or slipping. In Fee management they are able to see graphically, the current received versus pending or class wise pendings or the period for which the amounts are pending without the need to call Fee staff.