List of Top 10 School Management System Companies in India
There are a host of functionalities, ease of working and robustness of the system that makes a system among the best. Nascorp has reached the zenith of this ladder by mainly working on the ease of managing the software system, ease of understanding, ease of adaptation, modulation as per your working style, etc. However there are other systems which are trying to enter the league by upping their technology, technology drawback, etc. Following are the ones which can be considered to be the top 10 school management system companies in India:
1. Nascorp School Management System:
Nascorp is a mature and evolved system which has been organically growing with demands and suggestions from various quarters of the Teaching faculty and end users. We have adopted the best practices as far as Teachers and Parents are considered, but the Management only has to access the data and for that we have provided the best options to view data and reports. The system is hosted on Google cloud server which is the best infrastructure available for hosting the software as far as downtime, data security and speed is concerned.
2. School Knot:
Its an integrated school management system which optimizes the management of the school. It includes several activities to avoid repetitiveness of work in the school. Some of its regular features are: Upload day-to-day events, Post photos and videos and their links, Update communication, notifications, announcement etc. Manage school, manage attendance, registration and homeworks, School bus tracking, Time table, Leave application management are the other features available.
3. HyperDrive:
Its an easy to use and simple UI system with strong fee management features, customization of examination reports, library book management, payroll management, course management and all other regular modules.
4. IntelSchool :
They provide a complete solution for schools and colleges. It manages both on-campus and off-campus activities and provides reports accordingly. Active monitoring of the activities in your campus by interconnecting parents, teachers and students is the highlight of the system. Child safety features is another strong indicator of the system. Students performance updation, never missing your CW,HW and assignments, regular updates from school, tracking your bus mobility, all these are part of the system.
5. SUMS :
Its an all round management software providing affordable solution to mid-level schools. It’s a robust, intuitive platform having tracker for student information and reports. It has a real time attendance tracker and fee management system. It can also manage a seamless examination and report card generation. It also has basic HR and Salary management.
6. Campus on Click:
This delivers an intuitive user interface, simplified work flow, in-depth reporting and real time notifications. It has many features which cover all the activities which take place within the campus. Some of the features are Visitor Gate Pass, Payment Gateway integration, Fee collection, attendance, data migration, etc.
7. Blackboard Edutech:
Its an advanced school management software having more than 25 modules which manage students, staff, attendance, biometric, time table, fee payment, real time notifications, notice boards and more. The ERP is a tracker for all the activities taking place within the school premises and bringing parents on same page regarding the same.
8. Aulacube:
It’s a multi-national player incubated in India. Their prime focus is reducing administrative inefficiency, limited parental engagement and inadequate reporting and analytics.
9. Chanakya ERP:
Simplicity is the fundamental quality of this ERP. All basic modules required by any school is available in this. The modules are simple to understand and use thereby providing an easy learning curve. Alongwith a powerful app which makes it all the more easy and accessible.
10. Sweedo:
This is a unique ERP which can be adapted in Schools, colleges, universities, coaching institutes etc. Everything right from the admission to visitors coming to the school is covered in the system. Every aspect of the school functioning is covered in this ERP. Free upgradation is undertaken as and when new editions are out. Digital content is an additional feature that the system is offering.